Skipping the CSA this time around

So, the veggie box program at work was SO successful that they’ve decided to offer a “Deep Winter” box. DH and I looked it over and determined that it’s the same stuff we were having trouble getting through (even at one box every other week) and the value was no better. Thus, we’re skipping the CSA for the first time since I jumped on the bandwagon. BUT, we have agreed that we’re going to try to take the lessons from the CSA experiment and work them into our regular routine – trying to put more fresh fruits and veggies on the table and incorporating them into our meal planning – just not based on the random stuff that shows up in a box. When the Spring boxes start to come out, we’ll jump back in…

Of course, the amusing part is that this week’s meal plan is still fairly light on the veggies, so we’ll be supplementing with in-season fruits and other things we can get our hands on that aren’t necessarily in season here (like grapes, which the kids practically inhaled at lunch today). I’m not ditching the idea of the CSA – but the winter veggie boxes just aren’t our cup of tea and don’t have the same value as the fall boxes did.

That said, the crock pot will be bubbling in the early part of this week – Mexican Meatloaf on Monday and Sour Cream Salsa Chicken on Tuesday. Both make great multi-night dinners, and I’m going to try out one of the slow cooker liners that dh got me for Christmukkah to see if that helps make cleanup easier from the meatloaf.

Experimentation will continue, one way or the other…




In other semi-foodish news, I just devoured the Hunger Games trilogy. Took me next to no time to get through these books because they were so incredibly engrossing. Well written, deeply affecting, and really great reads. HIGHLY recommend! (Also, now very much looking forward to the movie of the first book, which is supposed to come out later this year. Yeay!)